
Friday, August 31, 2007

Vladmir's Offering

Vladmir's OfferingThe time that I notice that there is a new set of items on DotA, I immediately try all of them on my favorite heroes. But one of them I considered the coolest item, the Vladmir's Offering. The ingredients of the this item are Ring of Basilus, which is created from Sobi Mask and Ring of Protection, Mask of Death, and the recipe. In my opinion, the cost of the recipe is a bit expensive, but I think it is worth it because of the useful attribute of the item. The attributes of Vladmir's Offering are +5 Devotion Aura, 0.80 mana regeneration, 16% life steal aura for melee (my favorite), and +12 damage aura. Take note that even this item has a life steal aura, it is not an orb effect item. Look at those things! Isn't this item great or what?! It means that this is a great item for those heroes that has fast attack speed and of course a melee type to posses life style attribute.

My list of heroes that I love to have a Vladmir's Offering on their item:
  • Troll Warlord
  • Barathrum
  • Broodmother
  • Magina

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